North Knox Siding and Windows
Come Visit our Show Room

Feel free to come by North Knox Siding and Windows Show Room.

5618 North Broadway Street
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 689-0505

Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
(closed on Holidays)

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Shakes and Shingles Knoxville

Shake Siding is siding made from shakes (pieces of wood split from a log) or vinyl.

Shakes are sometimes confused with shingles. Shingles are made by sawing a piece of wood on all sides to cut it to the appropriate size. Shakes are made by cutting wood down and splitting it. As a result, shakes have some natural variations in shape and size, and a more rustic look.

Shingle Siding as mentioned above are very similar to Shake Siding with a manufacturing difference that gives a different feel.

While they are most often associated with Cape Cod-style homes, shingles can add instant character to any style home, anywhere.

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